in Hospitality


The challenge:

Millions of kids in underdeveloped countries around the world grow up in an environment where the only employment option is agriculture. Quantum wants to change that. By developing a region’s tourism potential we can create alternative employment options and long-term, sustainable growth potential for an area.

Developing people in developing countries:

Many underdeveloped countries have areas of remarkable beauty, completely untapped. If professionally – and this means sustainably – developed, these areas offer significant tourism potential and nearly endless opportunities for individuals and communities alike.

The Leaders in Hospitality project is a multi-level concept consisting of:

  • A Hospitality / Tourism School
  • A Training Hotel
  • Community Service Projects
  • Local Tourism Consulting and Development

By combining these four elements holistically, a region has an opportunity to train and develop hospitality professionals while growing an entirely new sector. This will provide them with an infrastructure and sustainable source of income that will serve as a counter-balance to the existing agricultural industry and an engine of further growth and development.

Through a partnership of local organizations, governments and hospitality specialists, we believe that we can create exciting opportunities for young people who would otherwise have few occupational choices. One of the declared goals of the school is to provide young adults with an education that not only enables them to make a good living and/or pursue a career in the Hospitality Industry but also supplies them with the mind-set, skill-set and inspiration to take on responsibility for their own lives; in doing so they become Leaders of their Lives.

For more information on this project, or if you would like to collaborate: